Guidelines objects

Get JSON guidelines actives in a specific country.

$my_guidelines = json_decode($api_result);
my_guidelines= JSON.parse(api_result);
metaMetadatas for the API (basically contains revision number){"ver": "1.0"}
paysCountry nameINDIA
advicesTable containing advices for the specified country[advice, advice, ...]
advices_frTable containing advice for a return to France, from the specified country[advice, advice, ...]

Advice object

idIdentification number100
summaryLors de votre voyage, vous devrez suivre les directives imposées par le gouvernement local de Inde.
detailsGuidelines typologyCOVID-19
risk_levelTable containing id, name and details of the risk[
"id": "moderate",
"name": "modéré",
"details": "La transmission du COVID-19 est modérée en Inde"
updated_atDate last update2021-10-16T00:00:35+00:00
guidelinesTable list of Guidelines objects[guideline, guideline, ...]
levelMesure calculated to get a average level of constraint. Severity mamimum is 10.7.62

Guideline object

categoryTable containing guideline category type[
id: "use_of_mask",
name: "Utilisation d'un masque"
sub_categoryTable containing guideline sub category[
id: "required",
name: "Obligatoire"
summaryGeneral guideline summary for the country selectedLe port du masque est obligatoire.
detailsSpecifics mesures and guidelines for the selected countryLes masques faciaux sont obligatoires dans les espaces publics, les environnements clos et dans les transports publics.
severityIndicator for guidelines constraint3/3

Category and Sub-category

Category IDSub-Categoriy ID
government_measures- no_restrictions
- restrictions_in_place
- state_of_emergency
- unknown
use_of_mask- not_required
- recommended
- required
- unknown
public_transportation- operating
- restrictions_in_place
- closed
- unknown
restaurants- open
- restrictions_in_place
- closed
- unknown
bars- open
- restrictions_in_place
- closed
- unknown
nightclubs- open
- restrictions_in_place
- closed
- unknown
shops- open
- restrictions_in_place
- closed
- unknown