Restrictions objects

Get JSON restrictions actives in a specific country.

metaMetadatas for the API (basically contains revision number){"ver": "1.0"}
paysCountry nameINDIA
advicesTable containing advices for the specified country[advice, advice, ...]
advices_frTable containing advice for a return to France, from the specified country[advice, advice, ...]

Advice object

idIdentification number100
authorization_statusCountry entry statusrestricted
authorized_travelersList of people authorized to enter the country["citizens", "essential"]
summaryGeneral summary for entering the selected countryLes voyages vers Inde en provenance de France sont partiellement autorisés.
detailsDetailled information about authorizationLes voyages internationaux vers l'Inde ne sont pas autorisés.
requirementsList of [Requirement object] for entering in the selected country[requirement, requirements, ...]

Requirement object

categoryTable containing requirement category type. Contains ID and humain readable in selected language (name).[
id: "additional_documentation",
name: "Documents supplémentaires"
sub_categoryTable containing requirement sub category. Contains ID and humain readable in selected language (name).[
id: additional_document_needed",
name: "Documents supplémentaires requis"
summaryGeneral requirement summary for the country selectedDes documents supplémentaires sont requis pour voyager entre ces deux endroits
detailsSpecifics requirements for the selected countryUn formulaire d'auto-déclaration dûment rempli doit également être soumis dans les 72 heures précédant le départ.
start_dateRequirement starting date2021-10-14
documentsTable containing name of the related document and the url to download it[
name: "Self-declaration form",
document_url: ""

Category and Sub-category

Category IDSub-Categoriy ID
vaccination- vaccination_required
- vaccinated_traveler_exceptions
quarantine- quarantine_required
- quarantine_recommended
- conditional_quarantine
test_medical_certificate- test_medical_certificate_required
- testing_on_arrival
- additional_test_requirements
- conditional_testing
other_medical_measures- other_medical_measures
additional_documentation- additional_document_needed
other_restrictions- other_restrictions
- exceptional_travel
- open_with_conditions
covid_19_certificate_passport- eu_digital_certificate
- covid_19_certificate_passport