Get JSON restrictions actives in a specific country.
Field | Description | Example |
meta | Metadatas for the API (basically contains revision number) | {"ver": "1.0"} |
pays | Country name | INDIA |
advices | Table containing advices for the specified country | [advice, advice, ...] |
advices_fr | Table containing advice for a return to France, from the specified country | [advice, advice, ...] |
Advice object
Field | Description | Example |
id | Identification number | 100 |
authorization_status | Country entry status | restricted |
authorized_travelers | List of people authorized to enter the country | ["citizens", "essential"] |
summary | General summary for entering the selected country | Les voyages vers Inde en provenance de France sont partiellement autorisés. |
details | Detailled information about authorization | Les voyages internationaux vers l'Inde ne sont pas autorisés. |
start_date | 2021-10-14 | |
updated_at | 2021-10-14T14:48:47+00:00 | |
requirements | List of [Requirement object] for entering in the selected country | [requirement, requirements, ...] |
info_source |
Requirement object
Field | Description | Example |
category | Table containing requirement category type. Contains ID and humain readable in selected language (name). | [ id: "additional_documentation", name: "Documents supplémentaires" ] |
sub_category | Table containing requirement sub category. Contains ID and humain readable in selected language (name). | [ id: additional_document_needed", name: "Documents supplémentaires requis" ] |
summary | General requirement summary for the country selected | Des documents supplémentaires sont requis pour voyager entre ces deux endroits |
details | Specifics requirements for the selected country | Un formulaire d'auto-déclaration dûment rempli doit également être soumis dans les 72 heures précédant le départ. |
start_date | Requirement starting date | 2021-10-14 |
documents | Table containing name of the related document and the url to download it | [ name: "Self-declaration form", document_url: "" ] |
Category and Sub-category
Category ID | Sub-Categoriy ID |
vaccination | - vaccination_required - vaccinated_traveler_exceptions |
quarantine | - quarantine_required - quarantine_recommended - conditional_quarantine |
test_medical_certificate | - test_medical_certificate_required - testing_on_arrival - additional_test_requirements - conditional_testing |
other_medical_measures | - other_medical_measures |
additional_documentation | - additional_document_needed |
other_restrictions | - other_restrictions - exceptional_travel - open_with_conditions |
covid_19_certificate_passport | - eu_digital_certificate - covid_19_certificate_passport |